So I've been pushing Java to it's limits lately and finding some real nasty concurrency issues inside the JRE code itself. Here's one particulary ugly one -- we had 700 threads stuck here:
at java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup2(
at java.nio.charset.Charset.lookup(
at java.nio.charset.Charset.isSupported(
at java.lang.StringCoding.lookupCharset(
at java.lang.StringCoding.decode(
at java.lang.String.(
Digging deeper we find the lookupCharset is called all over the place. The app in question is functions as a web proxy, so it's constantly reading and writing data from web pages in a variety of character sets. The method charsetForName() uses a synchronized data structure to lookup defined character sets. (Yay serialized access....)
But wait, lookup and lookup2 provide us with a cache so we can avoid the big bad synchronized method.. Sigh, here's the implementation:
private static Charset lookup(String charsetName) {
if (charsetName == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null charset name");
Object[] a;
if ((a = cache1) != null && charsetName.equals(a[0]))
return (Charset)a[1];
// We expect most programs to use one Charset repeatedly.
// We convey a hint to this effect to the VM by putting the
// level 1 cache miss code in a separate method.
return lookup2(charsetName);
private static Charset lookup2(String charsetName) {
Object[] a;
if ((a = cache2) != null && charsetName.equals(a[0])) {
cache2 = cache1;
cache1 = a;
return (Charset)a[1];
Charset cs;
if ((cs = standardProvider.charsetForName(charsetName)) != null ||
(cs = lookupExtendedCharset(charsetName)) != null ||
(cs = lookupViaProviders(charsetName)) != null)
cache(charsetName, cs);
return cs;
/* Only need to check the name if we didn't find a charset for it */
return null;
Yes, a whopping 2-entry cache!!
Also, the keys used are not canonical, so if my app asks for "UTF-8", "utf-8", and "ISO-8859-1" with regularity this 2 entry cache is worthless, every call ends up blocking in the evil thread-synchronized data structure.
Someone send them a copy of the ConcurrentHashMap doc. please.
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